What to see and do in La Rochelle?

Visits, activities and transport included La Rochelle Océan Pass

Boat trips, visits to historic sites and museums, guided tours, leisure activities, unlimited transport, La Rochelle Ocean Pass gives you access to a complete range of things to do in La Rochelle and lets you discover the treasures of the surrounding area. The La Rochelle Ocean Pass is the best deal in La Rochelle for weekends and stays of 48 hours, 72 hours, 7 days and more.

Please check the opening and closing times of the sites you are interested in to avoid any disappointment. Some sites may be closed for renovation work. For a stay in La Rochelle between November and the end of January, we advise you to choose the La Rochelle Ocean Winter Pass, which includes sites open for at least one month between November and January.

Find all the offers on the map of La Rochelle and surrounding area

Guided tours

Guided tour - The Place Forte de Brouage


During your visit, your guide will tell you all about the extraordinary history of this town surrounded by ramparts and once bordered by the sea. The tour takes you from the Porte Royale to the church, via the old forges, the walled food market and c ...