La Rochelle Océan Pass mobile app is both a tourist guide and a digital roadmap.
With it, you will be able to find pratical informations about La Rochelle Océan Pass. Available on IOS and Android, it allows:
- To access all sites and transports included in the city pass for free, thanks to the two integrated QR codes
- To see all the activities included in the pass
- To have access to the opening hours and detailed information of the sites included in the pass
- To all site's location on a map
- To keep track of sites visited or not yet, the city pass validity period and the remaining time
Downloading instructions for "La Rochelle Océan Pass" app
1 : I download the application "La Rochelle Océan Pass"on Google Play or App Store
2 : I go to the tab My Pass
3 : I click on the + button
4 : I enter my pass' number or i flash the QR code
5 : I show my QR code/ Pass number to access the attractions and i activate my transport button in front of the driver