The pass allows you to discover the whole area, make great savings and do activities you would not have done otherwise. From must-do activities to lesser-known activities, the La Rochelle pass is a good plan for visiting the region.
List of sites with discount
Excursion in an electric van - The treasures of the Ile de Ré
All-inclusive excursion in an electric van: spend a day exploring the island of Ré, its sublime landscapes, heritage and charming villages. Saunier, winemaker and restaurateur share their know-how and local flavors.
Guided tours - Normandin-Mercier Cognac Secrets
The Secrets of Normandin-Mercier Cognac: a complete visit to the heart of our cellars, followed by a tasting in the distillery of a Cognac from the first growths and two Pineau des Charentes.
Location de Canoë et de Paddle - TEX Canoë
La Rochelle
Tex Canoë offers canoe, paddle and giant paddle hire from the Port des Minimes in La Rochelle.
Phare des Baleines
There are two famous sentries on the site: the present-day ‘Grand Phare’ (tall lighthouse) (1854) and the ‘Vielle Tour’ (Old Tower) ordered by Colbert and built in 1682....